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samedi 19 octobre 2013

Who Else Wants To Know How To Be Rich

By Opal Lane

They are accustomed to instant coffee and instant access to all sorts of things that were far from instant for previous generations. Alongside such instant gratification, they want instant riches too and off they go as if in search of the holy grail; the question is: does the thing they search for even exist? This is a condition that people have to be cured of and not unlike the famous character of Spanish fiction, Don Quixote, they have become obsessed with things of which they read and believe to be true, despite the fact that they are not.

Me and my wife are the perfect example. We are both very young (early 20's) we both work part time and earn combined a lot less than most people earn by themselves. We have $20,000 in debt, a child on the way and we live in an area that is fairly expensive. Despite these setbacks we are steadily making our way to become rich and we will be financially free within the next 5 years.

Predators seeking the naive

There are a few places you can begin to look and a few different methods to help you turn your finances around and my advice to you is to look around, review your options before deciding where to turn and which method, scheme or money making activity looks right for you.

Before you begin to turn the wheel on your personal get rich quick scheme there are a few things you should consider. Here is a list of steps to take when preparing to get rich slowly or quickly;

Understanding the mechanics of 'how to get rich quick'

With financial intelligence you can invest more intelligently and earn more money. Reading this article is a great first step to increase your financial intelligence. I also suggest reading any of Robert Kiyosaki's books. Eventually I will have some of my own books out, but until then you can read Robert's books or you can sign up for a free email newsletter that will teach you how to be rich. Invest in your learning, because it is your financial intelligence that will make you rich, not how much money you have.

Don't Work For Money This will sound extremely contradictory to a lot of people because they believe that money makes you rich and in order to be rich you need to have a lot of money. Rich people, however, do not work for money. Rich people work for assets.

Character, reputation and income; getting the balance right

Assets are things that put money in your pocket on a regular basis without you needing to work for it, liabilities take money out of your pocket. A rental property can be an asset if the rental income is greater than all expenses, it can also be a liability if the expenses are greater than rental income.

If you want to become rich then you need to stop working for money and you need to work to create and acquire assets. I work in a part time job to pay for my everyday expenses (and I only work 2 days per week). The other days I spend working to acquire assets. I create assets and I buy assets. This article is an asset because it generates web traffic and earns me an income without me requiring to work for it.

Taking the right steps to begin with will prepare you for the journey towards getting rich slowly and will allow you to weight up the pros and cons of setting up your own get rich quick scheme that works when you don't want to.

But if you work not for money but for assets that generate an income then when the value of money goes down your income goes up (the expense is passed on to your customers/tenants) so you never lose money. Not only will your passive income increase but the value of your asset with increase as the value of money goes down. So when you own assets you are always getting richer and richer.

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